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What Is Stainless Steel Mesh Used For?

Jul. 25, 2022

The first thing you should know about stainless steel mesh is that it is supported by two main grades, namely T-304 and T-316 stainless steel. These two are also known as standard and premium grades.


Stainless steel mesh is available in three different types: fine, medium and coarse. Most manufacturers use stainless steel as their favorite woven screen to make different products. And, this makes the choice of stainless steel mesh a bit complicated as there are many grades available in the market. However, you can always get some of the best variants from leading dealers, mainly stainless steel mesh and stainless steel welded wire mesh. These two are widely accepted variants and are mainly used in the following applications.


Stainless Steel Wire Mesh

Stainless Steel Wire Mesh

Marine applications

Filtration equipment

Adjustment applications

Faucet screens

Insect screens

CRT Screens


Matching filter media

Decorative use


Stainless steel wire mesh is versatile

One of the most widely known facts about stainless steel wire mesh is that it is versatile and has many applications. Some of the most common uses include shelving, fencing and creating room dividers. It is also used for ceilings, pipes and reinforced concrete. Some people also use it in Windows.


Stainless Steel Wire Mesh

Stainless Steel Wire Mesh


Food Grade Stainless Steel Wire Mesh

Stainless steel mesh is a stylish material choice for food handling applications. Food grade stainless steel mesh has all the properties of stainless steel metal, making it a suitable product for the food industry. Because of its high heat resistance, food grade stainless steel mesh is used in the manufacture of many cookware items that are exposed to high temperatures. In addition, this material has an oxide layer that prevents rusting that could contaminate food.


As with many materials, there are a few things you need to know about food grade stainless steel mesh before rushing to use it. Here are some.


The finishing of stainless steel mesh can affect the way it is used in food processing


Stainless steel is known to have a corrosion-resistant and shiny surface. However, it is important to understand that a clean and bright surface does not necessarily mean that it is food-grade. The surface finish of stainless steel mesh must meet the sanitary standards used in the food industry. This is enhanced by eliminating any surface elements that could cause bacteria and making it easy to clean and sanitize.

Stainless Steel Wire Mesh

Stainless Steel Wire Mesh


This effect is produced by processes such as electropolishing, rather than manual grinding or filing. This process removes the surface layer, leaving a microscopically smooth strip. Upon completion of this operation, the strength of the oxide layer is enhanced and microscopic defects containing contaminants are removed.


Steel wire brushes are commonly used to clean metal surfaces to remove deep stains. However, this is not the case with any stainless steel object. Particles from ordinary steel brushes can easily embed themselves in the surface of stainless steel mesh and affect the oxide layer. If this condition repeats itself over time, it can make the stainless steel mesh susceptible to rusting.


Food grade stainless steel mesh is made differently

You should always be aware that not all stainless steel mesh sold as food grade is made equally and is a suitable item for food processing. There are many stainless steel alloys on the market, and these can be used to make stainless steel mesh. Each alloy has different characteristics, depending on the alloying element used to make them.


For example, 304 stainless steel is resistant to corrosion, but will suffer if exposed to salt for long periods of time. This means that 304 stainless steel mesh is not suitable for making cookware that is exposed to salt or brine for extended periods of time.

On the other hand, 316 stainless steel is more resistant to salt and is therefore ideal for cookware exposed to salt or brine.


Extreme temperatures affect food grade stainless steel mesh

Most stainless steel mesh used in the food industry has a melting point well outside the temperature range experienced by the industry. However, temperature extremes may affect any coating or surface of food grade stainless steel mesh. Most alloys will become brittle at temperatures below -49 0 F. However, this should be an important issue since standard cooking applications do not reach such extreme temperatures.

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